The Romanian-Irish Cultural Association was initialized in late 2005 by its president Peter Moynahan, founder of the Irish bands Blackbeers and Shannon, he also offering the association his vast knowledge in events organization.
  The association’s main objective is to promote the Irish culture across Romania. Thus our portfolio includes an exclusive package of Irish productions including the bands Shannon and Blackbeers and the Irish Way dance group.
  Since 2008 we present the only Romanian open-air St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations that first toke place in Piata Universitatii and later the location has been moved to the old City Center of Bucharest. The show is scheduled each year for March 17th, 5 p.m.


Irish groups             St. Patrick's Day            Sound services



Thanks to our partners:








President - Peter Moynahan;  Tel: 004-0726-37.86.03, 004-0744-17.20.10;  e-mail:,

PR Manager - Alina Talos;  Tel: 004-0726-323891, 004-0746-99.85.82;  e-mail: